Understanding the issue

Tendinopathy is a common condition resulting from a long lasting ongoing stress to the tendon tissue and is very common, for example, in sportsmen or repetitive loading jobs but can affect anyone.

Resolving Tendinopathies, also referred to as tendinitis or tendinosis, as a degenerative condition of a tendon. Tendons are flexible bands of fibrous tissue that connect muscle to bone. It is a common condition that most often affects the shoulder (rotator cuff & biceps tendinopathy), elbow (tennis elbow & golfer’s elbow), wrist (De Quervain’s tenosynovitis), hip (gluteus medius tendinopathy), knee (patella tendinopathy/jumper’s knee), ankle (achilles tendinopathy) or foot (plantar fasciitis).

In the adult population (21-60 years), the incidence rate of Achilles tendinopathy is 2.35 per 1,000. In 35% of the cases, a relationship with sports activity was recorded (de Jonge et al, 2011). However, a quarter of all athletes, and over half of all endurance runners, suffer Achilles tendinopathy at some point (Institute of sport, exercise & health).
Tendinopathy isn’t a serious condition however it can be very painful and last for a long time, potentially 6-24 months, if if it is not addressed properly. However most of our clients fully recover in 3 to 6 months. 

Book Now For A Consultation with Our Specialist Team


Body Logic Health, working with the latest evidence based treatment information, have put together a complete solution for tendinopathy issues. Our full treatment pathway will take you beyond the ‘quick fix’ and through the necessary phases to make sure you return to the activities your enjoy.

Important First Step

Your pain must be addressed first, it is important to be able to get on with your daily activities, and there are huge benefits to returning to normal activities. Your movement specialist will complete a full assessment to understand the best way forwards for your condition.

You will then have explained fully to you;

​The reason for your symptoms and the full diagnosis.

The first step to ‘remove your pain’

You will then begin the best treatment to help your recovery, and our highly skilled physiotherapists will give you the best outline of the time frame for this first step.


If you have made it this far previously and find yourself in treatment again then there are a few key factors that you need to be aware of :

  • Have you continued to address the underlying factors?
  • Did you complete the full treatment pathway?


Unfortunately many people find they drop back into the old habits, this causes a return of the stresses on the soft tissues, which you will now understand relates to a return of symptoms.

Recurrence is the toughest area to address in tendinopathy injuries, primarily if you only completed the first step previously then the chances are you have not changed how the body is moving to prevent loading and issues returning at a later date, with control and strength being important factors of the fully recovery.

The ability of our team to identify poor movement patterns, muscle imbalances, timing faults and related issues both above and below the specific tendon injury means the team are ideally placed to explain and address these factors to move you to a better long term result and allow you to spend more time doing the activities you enjoy. 


Building your foundation is the key to step 2, to complete this phase we need to identify the underlying movement faults that you have. You have a couple of options here depending on your specific requirements and end goals :

  • Movement Screen – a brilliant way to understand how you move and the effect on your tissue loading and can be related back to the reasons behind your injury.
  • Pilates Discovery Session – can be an exciting option looking forward at your long term movement health, the the screen helping identify issues in your movement that can then be addressed through targeted Pilates sessions.
  • Running Video Analysis – if running is your thing then this a great way to change the way you move to prevent future issues.
  • Rehabilitation & Walking Evaluation – your tendinopathy is going to require more input than just pain removal, and our performance team can build your training loads up to make sure you maximise your recovery. It is crucial to understanding the options to improve patterning and create long term movement health.

The main goal in building your foundation is to not only identify the underlying causative factors but explain why they are there so you can make lifestyle changes to help avoid recurrence and begin the movement retraining phase to adapt how you move to change excessive loading and tissue stress building up again in the body. 


Achieve Lifestyle & Performance Goals

The hardest part for everyone is to stay motivated once you are feeling great and moving well again. We all know life gets in the way of looking after you. If you feel you need further help to achieve your performance goals or to maintain your lifestyle, there are ways we can help you.

If you have completed the first two steps, you are now ready to achieve lifestyle and performance goals, step 3. At this phase our great sports rehabilitation team will often take over your management. ​

There are plenty of options for you depending on your specific goals, so please discuss your options with your physiotherapist. This step will complete your tendinopathy solution, and will involve individually designed programmes to complement your home exercise programme.

You can see the whole pain to performance tendinopathy solution. This will help you create movement health and enjoy the life you want to live.

Don’t delay starting your tendinopathy treatment pathway to help you return to your life without your current issue.​

Start your journey today and enjoy your life again. 

Ready to start your recovery?

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